Doctor Booking

Doctor Booking App

Part of a portfolio project for my Google UX Design certificate I chose to design a doctor booking application.

  • Design
  • Anonymous
  • 03 March, 2024
  • 24 March,2024
  • Figma Designs

Doctor Booking App

The doctor booking app, a pivotal project within our ongoing Google UX Design Certificate program, is engineered to bridge the gap between healthcare providers and patients, prioritizing convenience and accessibility. Designed as a mobile application, it empowers doctors to showcase their services, extend discounts through coupons, and manage their schedules efficiently. Moreover, the app boasts a forthcoming web app admin portal, featuring diverse views like calendar, card, and Gantt views, enabling customization for optimal user experiences.

For patients, the app offers a seamless experience by displaying nearby doctors based on geographic location and availability. Additionally, patients can personalize their experience by favoriting preferred doctors and receiving push notifications, thereby enhancing engagement and fostering ongoing relationships. With a focus on user-centric design principles and innovative features, the doctor booking app exemplifies our commitment to creating impactful solutions that streamline processes and improve access to essential services in the healthcare sector.


Project Challenges

Solution & Results